A miracle is a micro-shift in perception that takes us from fear to love and creates a radical, expansive, macro-shift in our lives.
It immediately unburdens the soul from a crushing weight it's been carrying for decades.
It flips the script on life,
And results in the lightness of being,
Even though pain is an inevitable part of this human life,
Suffering is optional.
When we activate a miracle,
Suffering dissipates.
Miracles connect us to unlimited joy and bliss.
Miracles are not rare or impossible, they are more accessible than we think.
Falling in love with life and feeling blissful is just a few micro-shifts away.
Let's make it happen together.
I am Maryam.​
I am a life coach and a guide to heart-based consciousness.
​In my 1:1 coaching container, I hold a high-quality space for you to explore the perceptions that have kept you in the loop of suffering. I guide and support you as you shift those perceptions one small step at a time, help you see your blind spots, remember and take back your personal power, and blissfully emerge out of the rut you might have been stuck in for decades.
In the 6 months we commit to work together, I coach you on anything you want to create in your life. How we do one thing is how we do everything. As you work on one aspect of your life, you will notice that other pieces of your life's puzzle also start to fall into place. You begin to see things differently, almost as if your third eye opens up, you expand, and outgrow the problems that once held you captive and made you suffer.
Not only your unhealthy habits will change, but your entire state of being transforms:​You go through an energetic metamorphosis. ​
Your external circumstances will no longer hold the power to make you suffer. You won't be at the effect of your circumstances. You'll take your power back and start enjoying your life as you've always wanted.
You get to know yourself, love yourself, and become the powerful creator of your life experience.
​When you suffer less, the sum total of suffering in the entire Universe is decreased. And that's what makes this work a thousand more times beautiful and valuable.
Suffering can look like:
Having it all, but feeling unfulfilled​
Feeling defeated parenting a strong-willed child,
Feeling stuck with extra weight that's hard to lose or keep off
Feeling powerless around food or alcohol
Feeling disconnected and resentful in a relationship that you once dreamed about
Feeling lack and scarcity
Feeling hollow and empty though you have achieved it all and checked all the boxes
Feeling burnt out at a demanding job you once loved​​
You don't have to suffer alone - or suffer at all.
You can receive loving support as you figure out life.
You can feel lushly held up as you find your way.
You can say yes to yourself and your desires and start shifting your perceptions, habits, and entire life experience.
You can do all this with ease and joy, in a safe and supportive environment.