Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

How is it that I can handle literally ANY situation in the real world, but parenting my own 8-year-old is killing me?
How am I ever going to feel good about myself if my child is so defiant and non-compliant?
Why does every interaction turn into a nerve-racking power struggle?
What should I do about her being ungrateful and her frustrating sense of entitlement?
How do I ever set and hold boundaries when my child breaks them every single time?
How do I set screen time without having to hear my children argue endlessly?
How on earth do other parents have it all figured out? How come I can’t get it right even after reading so many self-help and parenting books?
How do I get over feelings of resentment and being taken advantage of, as my child bends the rules and steps over limits and boundaries?
How can I really love my child unconditionally when he is always being so difficult and disrespectful?
What if I’m messing her up? Worse than that, what if I have already messed her up and it’s now too late?
What do I do with my heavy burden of guilt and shame?
My child has so much potential but why doesn’t he live up to it?
How come no matter what I do, I’m never good enough?
How am I possibly going to survive her teenage years?
I get it, you’re hustling trying to make this parenting thing work. You have doubts and questions that seem to be mostly related to your child’s temperament, right? But have you considered they could also be related to how you perceive your child and your circumstances? In fact, these concerns could have more to do with your programmed outlook on life, your personality, your parenting style and your own childhood painful experiences – AND that’s good news. You can only change what you can control, and although other people and circumstances are not always under your control, YOU are. You can change your life by taking full responsibility over YOUR thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions and create the life you desire.
Adults who ground their parenting in a solid relationship with the child, parent intuitively. They do not have to restore to techniques or manuals but act from understanding and empathy. "Gabor Mate"