Walking Away from Burnout
Starts Here... And Now.
This could be you:
It doesn’t matter how much you do or achieve; you still don’t feel safe. You have always been that overachiever, straight A girl, known and valued for your resilience, abilities, and talents. Heck, you were better than boys growing up, and you have been successfully keeping up with that image. Why? Simple, you have been raised in a patriarchal society in which you always had to work hard to prove your worth, take up space, and be heard. It came with a price tag: you had to work even harder with every success.
If you take a peek inside, it won’t be hard to realize that over the years, a part of you has tagged along feeling resentful, rejected and exhausted. This part is tired of the constant chase of acceptance, safety and belonging. It is tired of the never-ending comparison and playing the meaningless game of “I’m better than you”. But you keep on going anyway. Why? Simple, survival mechanism - the programming imprinted in your DNA over hundreds of years of evolution, passed down from generation to generation, to keep your pretty head above the water.
What you have been running away from is failure.
-Failing to be the best
-Failing to be worthy
-Failing to be liked
-Failing to be needed
-Failing to be respected
-Failing to be enough
-Failing to belong
You collect all the evidence of success but deep inside you still feel like you are only one breath away from failing, and for everyone to find out that you have always been a fluke, unworthy, and never good enough – or at least that’s the painful BS your survival brain has been pounding you with. This pain is too much to tolerate, so you keep on whipping yourself to work harder and to run away from destiny, telling yourself one day you will be able to give yourself permission to relax, be less worried, less serious and more playful and finally enjoy your life.
But wait, do you remember that part of you who is already burnt out? That part is getting even more furious at you, feeling more rejected by you, more ignored, more denied, more silenced. And it will go to work in the dark underworld of your subconscious to make you STOP, make you SEE HER, even if it means for you to get sick - seriously sick - getting hit by a truck or be bedridden for one reason or another. If you don’t listen to her whisper, it will turn into a thunder and come crashing down on you – but you already intuitively know this, don’t you? You have seen this happen to others, yet you continue to numb yourself, eat more cookies, or drink another glass of wine, even take yourself to a spa retreat when push comes to shove, just to keep on going.
If this is you, you are more than ready to finally invest in yourself and say a big juicy NO to the system that has held you captive for years.
It is time to break free from the cage of perfectionism and celebrate your “enough-ness”.
It is time to say NO, loud and clear, to the belief systems that has you trapped.
It is time to burn down the hamster wheel.
It is time to live without feeling pressured.
It is time to thrive, breathe, and exist joyfully.
It is time to tear up the Good Girl itchy, uncomfortable costume you have been wearing for years and feel a-okay doing so.
It is time to prioritize yourself.
It is time to set boundaries for yourself, even if it disappoints some people in your life.
It is time to give the microphone to that part of you who has been begging you to be kind to yourself.
It is time to set the tent of “fear of failure” on fire, and let true courage rise from its ashes.
It is time to believe you are enough, once and for all.
It is time to feel safe in your body no matter what.
It is time for you to feel you belong and you matter, no matter what.
It is time for you to feel courageous, empowered and authentic.
It is time to accept yourself, love yourself and give to others only from the overflow of your own full cup.
Ending burnout is not up to circumstances. Here's the good news:
It's 100% up to you.
The prerequisites are:
letting go of the illusion of control
letting go of fantasy of perfection
and letting go of obsession with people pleasing
I’m going to let you in on a secret: your feelings of empowerment, safety, love, and worthiness are within an arm’s reach, scratch that, they are right here at your fingertips. They all come from within you. And I will help you discover, unleash and bask in these feelings in 6 months or less.
During the time we work together you will learn and practice:
Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries
Ability to have hard conversations
Practicing constraint
Making decisions with ease
Following through
Saying yes to what is a hell yes for you and NO to what does not feel like a hell yes
Resting when you need it
Enjoying your own company
Stop people pleasing
Stop pressuring and shoulding yourself
Stop overthinking
Stop micromanaging
Stop doubting yourself
Trusting and loving your decisions
Break away from co-dependency
Stop gaslighting and bullying yourself
Sleep better
Create more time to do what you love to do
Worry less (in general and also about what people may think of you)
Stop numbing yourself through overeating, overdrinking or over-Netflixing