Feeling triggered
Is always caused by
Feeling unsafe
Feeling unsafe
is activated
when we think we are
When this happens,
It’s good to pause,
Radically have our own back,
and dive into creative, powerful, and transcending self-inquiry:
1- What old trauma is activating this new drama?
What old wound is being exposed in the present moment?
2- How can I self-regulate instead of projecting this need onto any other human (ex: my child, my spouse, etc.)?
How can I take the responsibility of soothing myself instead of wanting them to behave in a certain way so that I can feel safe, heard, proud, confident, and in control?
3- How do I show up when I feel safe and centered?
Don't just read and move on. Set some time aside and come back to this post as if you had paid a million dollars to gain access to these golden questions. Live with these questions, answer them periodically, journal your thoughts, and activate the alchemical transformation in your heart and mind that takes you to the next level.
Powerful self-inquiry
is the gateway to true
Self-awareness brings true transcendence from knowledge to wisdom. It won’t happen just by reading books and listening to podcasts. Be gentle to yourself as you ask and answer these questions. Remember that having huge amounts of self-compassion is a necessary component of this alchemical transformation.